HaloCRM Go To Assist Remote Integration
Integrate Go To Assist Remote with CRM software to connect remotely to your customers
Go To Assist Remote Integration
HaloCRM has historically defaulted to Go To Assist Remote as it’s go-to remote tool to support clients due to it’s fast and secure connections. We recognised that our customers felt the same way, so we have created an in-built Go To Assist Remote integration to the HaloCRM platform.
This can be used in multiple ways, for example to allow effective support for clients or to allow engineers quick access to faulty assets.
- With our brand new Go To Assist Remote integration it is now possible store Go To Assist Remote codes at a site level for individual clients.
- This field is then easily accessible from the ticket screen by simply clicking the Site on the details pane of a ticket.
- This facilitates a faster and more efficient support system for your clients.
- After listening to the requests of our customers, we have also added a built-in Go To Assist code field to our Asset Types.
- Simply activate the Go To Assist Asset field and connect it to the Asset Details screen.
- You can then enter a Go To Assist code to be saved against specific assets to allow you to instantly remote on, again facilitating a more efficient support system for clients.
The HaloCRM Go To Assist Remote Integration is therefore not only quick and easy to set up, but is also quick and easy to use. As always however, our support team are ready to help should you need it.
To find out about our other integrations available, visit our integration page.
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