HaloCRM Guides
Agent Ticket Views
By setting up agent views, you can give agents the ability to filter what they see while on Halo. Whether they only want to focus on their own tickets, or they need to help a colleague with theirs - agent views make it easy to organise agent workload.
Halo agents can change their ticket views in a variety of ways. This is done by making use of lists, column profiles and filter profiles. They are can be edited in the 'Views' section of the configuration console (Configuration > Forms > Views).
Views and Lists
Views and lists are the two primary ways to filter the tickets that are visible within an agent's workspace. Views are pre-configured ticket groupings (by agent, team, ticket type, status etc.) that can have filter profiles applied to them. Lists are customisable ticket views that give you the ability to create unique and personalised ticket groupings for individual, team, and global use. They can be select from the 'My Lists' view in the ticket area.
In the 'Views' page in the configuration console, system administrator can set global default. They can also configure custom lists and filter profiles here.
Creating a List
To modify lists, click on the 'Configure List' button. Here, you will be presented with all the existing lists and can click into them to edit. To create a new list, simply press the 'new' button, in the top right hand corner of your screen.
This will take you to a 'details' page where you can fill out the the list's name, use, list group, sequence (how high or low it's ordered within the rest of the lists), its visibility settings and default column profile.
On the 'filters' tab you can define a filter profile and any fields you want to use to further restrict the tickets in the list. For example, the image below shows a list that only contains open, priority 1 tickets from the customer Williams Constructions Ltd.
Lists can also be created by non-admin agents in the tickets area. First, the agent will need to change their view to 'My Lists'. This can be done by going to the left-hand pane of their screen, clicking on the title of the existing view and then selecting 'My Lists' from the options that get presented. They should either right-click on an existing list to edit it, or press 'Create a new List'. From here the details page that we discussed earlier will appear.
An agent's ability to create and edit agent level, team level and global lists is defined by their permission. (You can find more information on agent permissions and roles here).
Creating List Groups
Let's return to the 'Views' page in the configuration console. In HaloCRM, as well as being able to create lists, admin agents can configure list groups. To do this you need to make sure that, in the 'Views' page, the checkbox 'allow grouping of lists' is enabled. Once it is, you will be given the option to create a list group.
Here, you name the group, choose whether it will be used for Ticket or Opportunities and give it a sequence.
Once list groups have been made, when you go to create new lists or edit existing lists, you will be able to select the group from a dropdown menu in the details tab.
Filter Profiles
In addition to creating lists and list groups, filter profiles can be configured for non-list ticket views.
As an example, while viewing tickets by agent, you may want to set up a filter profile that shows all the tickets in pre-defined statuses. Or a manager might want to have an access-all view where they can see every ticket being worked on by every agent across all form types, but they want to restrict the access to it.
The filter profile criteria is set-up in the exact same way as that of the ticket lists. Simply, press the plus icon, select the field and define what you would like the filter to contain, equal, include, exclude etc.
Column Profiles
The final button on the 'Views' page is 'Configure Column Profiles'. Colum profiles are used to determine what glanceable information is presented to an agent in the ticket area. When you configure these, you will be presented with a list of existing profiles that you can edit, or you can create a new one.
When you edit or create a profile you will be shown similar configuration options to those explained above, however, you are now able to determine which columns to show the information from, not which information is filtered.
Select from the list of fields, which you wish to display as columns. There are special options in here to select separate views of fields. These include:
- Status Icon - the status tag inside the colour set in the settings.
- Client/Site/User - this shows the concatenated form of the contact's customer, site and name.
- SLA percentage - The SLA time left with a graphic showing the time left percentage.
These allow a less static and more visual display of the tickets you are viewing.
Column profiles can also be created by non-admin agents in the tickets area. Simply press the ellipses in the top right-hand corner of the screen and select 'Edit Columns'.
From there, you can choose a profile to use, edit an existing one or create a new one.
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