HaloCRM Guides
Ticket Rules
Ticket rules can be used to automatically apply outcomes to tickets depending on the criteria that you set.
In this article, we will set-up a rule together.
First, head to the set-up page. You can find this by going to: 'Administration Console' > 'Processes' > 'Rules' > 'Ticket Rules'.
Once here, ensure it is enabled, head into the module, then press 'new' in the top-right corner.
First, give the rule a sensible name. I am creating a rule to apply outcomes based on the importance of a client (in this case, VIPs), so I have called it 'VIP Contact'.
Next, choose where this rule will be applied on tickets. Bu default, it is set to new and existing, but this can be changed to only be new, existing or manually created tickets.
The precedence determines in what order the rules are applied. The default is 50, and if you only have one rule, it doesn't matter about the precedence. If all rules are of equal precedence, set them all to the same number.
The following checkbox is vitally important when there are more than one set of rules on your Halo instance.
This means, if it matches on a rule with the precedence of 1, it will not look for other rules to match of a lesser precedence, even if it fits the criteria.
Next, we need to select the criteria that will match the tickets with the rules.
In this example, Williams Construction is my only VIP customer, so I have simply selected the criteria to be: IF customer = Williams Construction THEN...'
Once you are happy with the criteria (and there can be more than one!), you can detail the outcomes.
For the ticket rule I am creating, I would like a specific agent to deal with their tickets, as well as escalate the priority by default so their enquiries are dealt with faster than for non-VIP customers.
Any fields I don't require, I will just leave as 'No Change'.
Next, if I want any custom fields to be applied when this customer raises a ticket, I can add them here (optional).
If you'd like a pop-up message to appear when this rule is matched, you can add this to the bottom (though this is completely optional!)
Save it, and the rules will now apply to the relevant tickets.
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